As a priest in the parish of Mubuga (southern Rwanda), Marcel Hitayezu is accused of having denied Tutsis who had taken refuge in his church food and water while providing food to the Interahamwe militia who attacked the Tutsis gathered in the church. Hitayezu contests these facts.
In 2016, the Rwandan judiciary requested the extradition of Hitayezu to prosecute him in Rwanda. The French Supreme Court denied this request in October 2016.
An investigation into the allegations put forward by the Rwandan authorities was opened in France on 26 July 2016.
Marcel Hitayezu was arrested on 14 April 2021 at his home in Montlieu-la-Garde (Charente-Maritime). He was charged with genocide and complicity in crimes against humanity.
On 6 May 2021, Hitayezu was released and placed under judicial surveillance.